Sunday, February 5, 2023

Minimal watering planting in Northern California

Want to take advantage of the rainfall- it’s a constant process to water the garden in the long dry season.
Over COVID I was able to stay home in the garden many days per week. But, what if I took advantage of our minimal freezes and the rain falling from the sky to get plants established, so that I would only have to water during the hottest driest times rather than try to get the dirt to take some moisture for the fragile new seedlings?

I started with winter friendly plants that in a harsher climate would need to be in the ground already- garlic, potato, chives. Also inspired by what was in the kitchen ready to go in the ground. Those are doing well and I also tossed out flower seeds which have been sitting for a few years, in the hopes that they could make a better go of it in the earth than on a shelf. 

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