I have to stick to the list or the input hints won’t get done. It is okay if I don’t reach 100 as long as I progress compared to not having the list. And that can’t happen if I stop to do everything that occurs to me. I just spent forty minutes adding cardboard shims to the couch and actually the arm did stop wobbling but I just about exhausted my ability to stand on the detritus of this project. (trying to run the roomba only once the couch is back together to save duplicating the work. The work of running the roomba is to charge it, clean up anything it would get stuck on (like a cable
Or a sleeve or a fringe and anything horrible it might track around, run it, maybe confine it in a room with furniture blocking the doorway except not this time because the whole house is dirty. Then clean its brushes and empty its bins and plug it in.) I enjoy these tasks but not at the expense of something on my list.

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