Friday, December 30, 2022
Not Ready for New Year
Ready for New Year #5: remove carpet stain
Thursday, December 29, 2022
Ready for New Year’s #27: Stain Couch
Ready for New Year’s #3: order fabric
Ready for 2023
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Saturday, December 17, 2022
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Milk Protein Fiber
From the moment I heard milk can be made into textiles I never completely stopped thinking about it. How does milk, a liquid, become a warm soft garment. Well the process is I think the usual slurry that manmade fibers from natural materials go through. I maybe couldn't breathe when I first saw a video of rayon being spun, but now it's normal to me. You think, oh, how did eucalyptus become yarn? And it's the slurry. And the interesting difference is the part of the milk that is used is the protein, casein.
I could not for the life of me find a milk protein shirt to buy, or anything like that, although now that I spin my targeted ads and videos and everything have adjusted. I was sounding out a Japanese wholesale website as best I could before hitting the barrier of trying to understand the strand diameter.
Anyway, now I can find milk protein yarn all day. For example, here is a commercially produced 100% milk yarn available to individuals: Bellatrista.
I've been spinning it up night and day. First I spun it by itself as a test. It was gorgeous and lofty. It smelled a little bit like milk. Then I blended up a batt of materials I'd like to make a top from. Spun it. Blended another. Spun it. and so on. In my inexperienced hands it spins up totally differently from silk. Every time I reach a silk portion of the batt the yarn I am drawing thins out to well under 1mm. The milk appears to be gummier or grippier. I rinsed the garment while it was still in progress in order to see if the yarn changed substantially, so I could make any needed changes. I wasn't the most systematic with this but it did grow larger when washed. It also took many days to dry. That was very alarming and I am not sure how it will work for a top.
My reasons for exploring alternative fibers are endless. Every time I use plastic I like it to be because it was the best and only thing for the job. Generally textiles do not need to be acetate, acrylic, polyester. The things I make should outlast me under archival conditions, but not in the ground. I also love color and in particular natural dyes that I make from really anything. Dyes work best on natural fibers, and natural dyes are typically so delicate in the first place that really only protein, cellulose, and nylon will display the beautiful colors.
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Saxon Blue on Milk Protein yarn

Monday, October 3, 2022
There's always something to do.
Having gifted the 14 color merino wool vest I worked on off and on from March to March and then on to the following October- many small projects clamor to be next.
-resole new taupe ankle booties
materials: shoe goo or contact cement, natural or gum color rubber sheet
-outdoor soles for canvas dance booties
materials: shoe goo, vibram furoshiki outsoles
-reinforce leather laces in barefoot sandals
materials: shoe goo, leather thong, sandal sole
-replace tennis shoe cork insole with wool footbed
materials: leather shoe, insole for tracing, blanket weight wool
category: socks
-knit ankle high socks
next step: put half socks back on size three needles
-repair shrunken geek socks
next step: put socks and remaining Boulder yarn in project bag
category: christmas
anemone hat for mom
next step: put hat brim back on size 7 circular needle
bulkyish hat for Nick
next step: find size 7 dpns
reflective tape for cycling?
stranded hat for Dad
next step: set aside chosen colors in a project basket or bag
category: outerwear
rain jacket
apply nikwax, learn to put in ventilation, maybe reflective tape