One of the neat things on the internet is It is a website of neat arts and crafts that crafters make. There are tutorials, and people ask for feedback, and it is just fun. The funnest and most stressful thing is craft swaps. In a craft swap, 20 or so people say they want to swap, and then they are matched into 10 pairs, and they get a list of one anothers interests on a topic (harry potter, say, or france). I joined the She Blinded me With Science swap and was instantly outclassed in geekery. I found Look Around You (visit youtube, it is a joking british science lesson), water bears (omg. They are teeny tiny, and they look like bears/moles. Ask google. It is 6:19 (thanks, can of dr. pepper I drank at 9pm!) and I am too tired to open a new tab, type what it is, highlight the link, click the link button on blogger, and do it over for the other link.
Here is what I recieved in the swap (Another girl made these, and mailed them to me for me to love and use)

Giant Scarf--> the knitted emission spectrum of argon. Just. That is making me geek out. I can't believe I never thought of it, and I can't believe someone made a 12 foot long scarf for me.

yeah, I can rock a 12 foot long nerd scarf. Man. I kind of wish I could give these two pictures to my trying-too-hard-and-rather-failtastic 15 year old self. Like: "Hey, just hang on a bit and you'll have an art couch, a knitted emission spectrum of one of your favorite elements, your own apartment, and bangs. The uh, the bangs are because you need botox already. but you can still rock them." (Nick is 15 today, is why it is on my mind.)

Dinosaur bones in sand strata preserved under resin. They are coasters. I coast, but I can't really say I coaster. Ah well, they're gorgeous and a use will suggest itself.
All right. Here is the complex bit:
These things,
below this sentence, are the things I made to send to my swap partner.

The pics are good bc she took them. Set of 4 notecards.

Hat of her favorite molecule (DNA is a molecule? I marvelled upon recieving her survey of interests. Out.Classed.)

And then (and these are pics I took) I made a PMC pendant.

I have a lot of freckles. Thank you, Panasonic Lumix DMC-LS70, I definitely wanted an extreme closeup of my sun damage, not a clear picture of my fine silver pendant.

It looks like this it is a radiologian or something. it is a plankton. it is real small. I am really tired of blogging all of a sudden

See, I'm not getting botox until bangs go out of style, which will be never. My forehead crease could at least be a little symmetrical.

I did a pendant of the middle one in the bottom row. They are all so gorgeous.
1 comment:
You should have gone to bed.
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