The same day, I made The Worst Cup of Tea in the World. I put three black tea bags into some previously hot water, and when they didn't steep I remembered the carton of premade chai I had and decided to mix them together. I fished out the tea bags, poured out some of the very weak tea, then forgot what I was doing and filled the rest of my to-go cup with milk. Then I remembered, poured part of it out, and topped it up with the chai and thought, "this is the worst cup of tea in the world." I was sort of looking forward to trying it but instead left it in my house while it was being fumigated, rendering it either dangerous or just scary (I am okay with not knowing the ins and outs of poisons). Then I inadvertently let it sit out and it curdled horribly and very quickly so I didn't try to salvage the cup. I think I used it for nearly 8 weeks, so that was pretty good. When I throw away reusable cups and bags I try to reckon whether they weighed more or less than the disposable option and I think this time it weighed less which is probably the first time that's happened.
I love my replacement to-go cup. It is a plain white ceramic cup in the shape of a paper coffee cup and the sleeve and the sippy lid are both green silicone.