The last page of my lettersheet journal arrived today. Each page is finished and complete in a way that my usual journaling can't match. They're dated by hand and by postmark. Only one has a drawing but three have images from hand carved stamps. The pages are information rich and layered.
If there is a way to mail a letter from LAX, the Delta counter hadn't heard of it. So, I left my letter on the ledge of a marble planter in the hopes that someone would mail it. I was excited to think of how long it might live in a glove compartment or luggage and what an exotic domestic postmark it might have when it arrived. It turned out it spent no time at all in a glove compartment as it was postmarked the following day from Santa Ana, CA- 40 miles from where I dropped it. Thank you, anonymous stranger! I can't yet see the shape of the letter dropping project this suggests.